Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Life Plan - Your Plan

Where do you want to go?
Begin to ask yourself some evaluation questions. You can think of your own, but here’s some to consider. (Don’t be afraid to dream and think big when answering these questions.)
  • If you could see your life in 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, what would you hope to see?
  • Where would you live?
  • Where are you in your career?
  • What kind of relationship would you have with your spouse; with your children, etc.?
  • What does your relationship with God look like?
How are you going to get there?
People are usually pretty good at answering the questions above, or at least they have general ideas, but we don’t always plan a course of action to get there. One truth we cannot escape is that we will most likely end up in the direction we are heading. So, we don’t usually meet the goals we set for ourselves unless we aim for them. Begin to take the answers to the questions above and write some action steps to meeting them. What would you have to do differently in your life if you want to end up someday where you say you do?

Are you willing to pay the price?
This is always the quickest question to answer, but if it’s answered truthfully, it is always the hardest question. I hear men talk about wanting a close family, but they aren’t willing to place their family ahead of their career or hobbies. Someone says they want to advance in their career, but they aren’t willing to gain the education necessary. Achieving success at anything requires a certain level of sacrifice. Some people may want to attain the level, but they aren’t willing to invest what is required to get there. At some point you will have to determine if you are.

Spend some time wrestling with these questions and you will be on your way to developing your own life plan. For accountability purposes, share them with someone close to you and give them permission to periodically ask you how you are doing.

All the best to you and your loves in 2013!

Monday, December 31, 2012

The best way to be successful is to map out a plan!  Simple right? For some maybe so, yet for others it's a struggle.  How about if you had a 72 day plan to follow?   A plan that guided your workouts and guided your nutrition?  How about if you had a coach to help you through the entire 72 days?  How could you not succeed?

Well, that is exactly what we have in store for you.  Tomorrow you can start your new year right and know that for 72 days you have something to do that will ultimately get you the results you want!  Something that will have you looking amazing and feeling strong and energized every day.   

So if you're ready to put that pep back in your step, consider the options below:

Tomorrow you have the option to grap hold of the 24 Day Challenge two different ways beginning 10:00 EST / 9:00 CT January 1, 2013:

1) Purchase the basic 24 Day Challenge at the sale price starting Jan 1 or
2) Purchase the 24 Day Challenge Beyond Bundle which includes 80 days of products, plus the new Advocare workout DVD, plus be entered into a drawing to win 2 tickets to Hanalei Hide-A-Way in Hawaii!

Simply call me and I will walk you through it!

2013 - The Best Is Yet To Come!

Diane - 407-967-1505